sophron | σÏŽφρων ον | sóphrón
Sophron Studies is a reformed, inductive, in-depth approach to the study of God's word. Sophron, pronounced "so-fron," is the Greek word for a sound mind, self controlled, and temperate. It is curbing one's desires and impulses. As believers, we need to be women who study and delight in Him and His word, women who train to have a mind centered on God and renewed by truth (Romans 12:1-2).

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It is our prayer and heart that your roots will grow deep into God’s love and His word. For roots to grow deep, there must be cultivation by hard work, tilling, pruning, watchfulness, and diligent sowing. To reap deep roots involves time, effort, and dependence on Almighty God! We desire for this study to be an aid for that and a tool to come alongside the Word!
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